Whistleblower system from Deutsche Tiernahrung Cremer

Deutsche Tiernahrung Cremer (DTC) is a traditional and value-based company. Our corporate culture is based on respectful, fair and law-abiding dealings with our customers and employees alike. In order to live up to this claim, we are vigilant and constantly scrutinise our actions. In order to live up to our standards, it is important for us to learn of potential misconduct and put an end to it.

Send us your information securely and completely anonymously

With our digital whistleblowing system, we offer our employees, customers and business partners a protected space in which they can report events and incidents. You can decide for yourself whether you wish to remain anonymous.

We check every report, follow it up and get back to you as quickly as possible. Our whistleblower system guarantees the protection of whistleblowers and those affected. All information is processed fairly and quickly and treated with absolute confidentiality.

Specific information helps to follow up on each incident as quickly as possible

In order for your report to be processed appropriately, it is important that it is as specific as possible and that your descriptions are easy to understand. Please let us know:

  • What happened?
  • Who was involved?
  • When did it happen?
  • How did it happen?
  • Where did it happen?

When you send the report, a report key is generated, which you should copy and keep. You can use this key to log in again later and follow up on your tip.

Confidential - anonymous - GDPR-compliant

To ensure the safety of all whistleblowers, we have opted for the digital form of whistleblowing. This is the only way we can guarantee confidential, anonymous, GDPR-compliant and location- and time-independent recording of all reports. The whistleblower system is set up in accordance with the provisions of the Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG).

Enter a new tip

By clicking on the following button you can send us anonymous information about misconduct in our company.

Report / Whistleblowing

Track an existing notification

Please enter your notification key for an existing notification here:

König Transportgesellschaft mbH